The 7Project


What is the 7Project

The Seven Project is a strategic outreach to a local community, and when done right amazing things happen. We team up with as many churches in an area as possible to offer customizable school assemblies to the school(s) in that community. School administrators get to pick the topics they would like their students to hear, and then our team of speakers addresses those topics. Following the day time program there is a faith-based evening event ideally back at the school where the churches in that community come together and the Gospel is preached. Students are given an invitation to accept Christ, and then are connected with a local church in the area. If you’d like more info on this, you can download the 7Project community planning guide.

Since the Pandemic hit in 2020, the 7Project has been on hold. However we are diligently praying, and planning for when the doors are open to serve the schools in this way again. We believe the need for these will be even greater when that day comes!

Until that time comes, we invite you to pray with us, and that when the door is opened again we will be ready! As well, we have a 7Project website for schools that you can share with any administrator, teacher, or principal you know.